
FAQ – How do I set up a Google Ads account?

Setting up a Google Ads account is a straightforward process that can significantly boost your brand’s online presence. Here’s a quick guide to getting started:

  1. Open a Google Ads Account: Begin by opening a Google Ads account at You’ll need to enter your business name and website URL, link any existing Google-owned accounts (like YouTube or Google My Business), and fill out your billing and payment information​​.
  2. Create Your First Campaign: From the Google Ads dashboard, click on ‘New campaign.’ You’ll then select your advertising goal, such as website traffic, sales, leads, brand awareness, or app promotion. Each goal aligns with specific campaign types tailored to achieve your desired outcome​​.
  3. Set a Bidding Strategy: Determine how much you want to spend and what you want to optimise your budget for, like conversions, leads, or traffic. It’s advisable to let Google handle as much of your bidding strategy as possible, especially if you’re new to Google Ads​​.
  4. Target Your Audience: Specify the locations and languages of your target audience. Advanced users can further refine targeting with custom audiences and demographics​​.
  5. Create Ads: You’ll be guided through creating ad groups and ads. Provide your URL, select relevant keywords, and write your ad copy, including headlines and descriptions. Google offers suggestions based on your inputs to streamline the process​​.
  6. Follow-Up Steps: Once your account is set up, you’ll need to verify it and set up two-factor authentication. Verifying involves confirming your business’s physical location. Setting a proper budget is crucial; too low might result in insufficient clicks for conversions, while too high could lead to budget misallocation​​.

Remember, your initial ads are primarily for gathering data. Start with a modest budget to understand how your target audience interacts with your ads before scaling up​​. For a more detailed walkthrough on setting up your Google Ads account and starting your first campaign, you might find these articles from Hootsuite​​, Leadsie​​, and Search Engine Land​​ particularly helpful.


In pay per click (PPC) monitoring, several key metrics are crucial to assess the performance and effectiveness of your campaigns. The primary metric is Click-Through Rate (CTR), which measures the percentage of people who click on your ads after seeing them. A high CTR indicates that your ads are relevant and engaging to your target audience.Cost Per Click (CPC) is another vital metric, showing the cost for each click your ad receives. Monitoring CPC helps in managing the budget efficiently and understanding the competitiveness of the keywords.Conversion Rate is critical as it measures the percentage of clicks that result in a desired action, such as a sale or a signup. This metric helps in evaluating the effectiveness of the ad in driving conversions.Quality Score is a Google-specific metric that affects both ad position and CPC. It's based on the relevance of your keywords, the quality of your landing pages, and your CTR.Impressions and Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) are also important. Impressions give you an idea of how often your ad is seen, while CPA tells you how much it costs to acquire a customer through the PPC campaign.Together, these metrics provide a comprehensive view of campaign performance, helping to optimise strategies and allocate budgets more effectively. Read here for more about PPC monitoring.

Google Ads Quality Score is a pivotal metric that gauges the quality and relevance of your keywords, ads, and landing pages in the eyes of Google. This score influences not only where your ads appear on the page but also how much you pay per click. It's determined by several factors, including the relevance of your ad to the search query, the expected click-through rate (CTR), and the user experience on the landing page. The score ranges from 1 to 10, with a higher score indicating a more effective and cost-efficient campaign. Understanding and optimising your Quality Score is crucial because:
  1. Ad Relevance: It measures how closely your ad matches the searcher's intent. Google looks at how well your keywords align with your ads. For instance, more relevant keywords can lead to a better score, suggesting to Google that your ad is likely to be relevant to users searching for those keywords​​.
  2. Landing Page Experience: This aspect assesses how well your landing page aligns with what the user expects to find after clicking your ad. A well-designed, informative, and relevant landing page can significantly boost your Quality Score by enhancing user satisfaction​​​​.
  3. Expected Click-Through Rate (CTR): Google uses historical data to estimate the likelihood that your ad will be clicked when shown. A higher expected CTR indicates to Google that your ad is likely to be engaging and relevant, positively affecting your Quality Score​​.
Improving your Quality Score can lead to better return on ad spend (ROAS) by ensuring your ads are relevant, engaging, and precisely targeted, thus boosting conversions and sales. Effective strategies for enhancing your Quality Score include refining your ad's relevance, improving the user experience on your landing pages, and optimising your campaigns based on keyword performance​​.

Google Ads can be a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes, aiming to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and generate leads or sales. The effectiveness of Google Ads largely depends on how well they are set up and managed. For small businesses, in particular, Google Ads offers several advantages:
  1. Targeted Advertising: Google Ads allows businesses to target their ads to specific groups or subjects by selecting keywords that potential customers might use when searching for related products or services.
  2. Budget Control: One of the major benefits of Google Ads is the ability to control your advertising budget. Businesses can set their own budget limits and adjust them at any time based on campaign performance.
  3. Pay-Per-Click (PPC): With Google Ads, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This makes it a cost-effective marketing strategy, especially for businesses looking to maximize their return on investment (ROI).
  4. Local to Global Reach: Google Ads can help businesses target local customers or expand their reach globally, making it a versatile option for growing your customer base.
However, the success of Google Ads also depends on the amount you're willing to invest, your campaign's setup, and ongoing management. Businesses need to ensure their ads are well-crafted, target the right keywords, and are optimised for conversion. Starting budgets for Google Ads can vary, but for testing and optimising campaigns effectively, it's suggested that businesses be prepared to spend at least $1,000 per month in Ad budget. For more detailed insights on whether Google Ads could work for your business, get in touch with us and we will help you figure out if Google Ads are a good fit for your business.